Did You Spring Clean?

Spring cleaning and spring maintenance go hand in hand.
Spring cleaning and spring maintenance go hand in hand.
According to recent studies, natural disasters have increased 700% since 1950.
They say you can tell a lot about people from what you find in their wallets. photo by:
Our hot extreme summer weather is here in triple digits. photo by:
Preventing injuries and, of course, fires are always priorities during the 4th of July season. There are many potential hazards including swimming, fireworks, barbeque grilling, lots of sun exposure and alcoholic drinks. Celebrations begin this weekend
The coastal expert, Dr. Beach, just released his 2012 Top 10 List of beaches, and a California beach tops the list for the first time. photo by:
Summertime fun in Los Angeles is here – so backyard pool parties and visits to the beach are surely on everyone’s list.
Some day, our cars will drive themselves along smart highways – able to navigate traffic without our help most of the time.
There are loads of excellent social good campaigns on Facebook.
For a few months now, experts have been predicting that used car prices were on their way up. Now, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), used car values are peaking and will remain high